Word: Ayu Arman
Part II at Camba-Cambang Island
The Camba-Cambang Island or known as “the CbCb Island” is like a luxurious
residence with a variety of entertainment in the middle of the blue sea. From banana
boat, jetski, outbound, and water boom rides that directly connected to the sea.
The Camba-Cambang Island is not merely an amusement place of the Spermonde
islands. It is also a tourist gateway and information center to optimize the
development of small islands in the Spermonde Islands cluster of Pangkep Regency.
This island is located in the middle of two clusters of islands, which in the days of the
kingdoms of Gowa and Tallo, became the boundary of the two kingdoms.
When we stand facing west or right side of the Camba-Cambang island, we will see
islands whose name begin with “sa”, such as Saugi, Satando, Salemo, Sagara,
Sabangko, Sakuala, Sapuli, Sabuntung, Samatellu Pedda, Sapuka, and Sallebbo.
Those islands were once the territory of Tallo Kingdom.
On the contrary, you will see on the left side the cluster of islands began with “po”,
namely Polo Kolambing, Polo Laiyya, Polo Wali, Polo Pala, Polo Badi, and Po
Ranrang. Those islands were once the territory of the Kingdom of Gowa.
Both “sa” and “po” which were divided equally by Tallo and Gowa, are currently
within the region of Spermonde Islands.
As a tourist gateway, the islands-cluster is supported by nine islands as tourist
destinations which offers underwater natural beauty and coastal culture of the
Spermonde Islands community.
In the last five years, the Camba-Cambang Island has attracted many visitors. Every
day, especially on Saturday and Sunday, the community of the islands or even the
people of Pangkep City, spend much of their holiday on this island. Many local and
foreign tourists also stay on the island if they want to enjoy the scenery of
Spermonde islands around it.

Before the island was built by the Local Government of Pangkajene Islands in 2012,
the island was really quiet and barely visited by people.
According to some people in Saugi Island, on this island, the head of Andi Mappe,
the hero of Pangkep, was buried in the ground by the Dutch.
Andi Mappe was a Bugis-blooded warrior who was known to be persistent and
powerful in combating and expelling Dutch troops from South Sulawesi in 1945-1949. He was an icon of militant struggle and a frightening specter against the Dutch
troops since he could not be conquered even by weapons.
In the circulating oral tradition, Dutch bullets often penetrated his chest. However,
the bullets were unable to take his life. In fact, several times rumored, the Dutch had
managed to kill him, but the next day he looked refreshed. The Dutch troops had
been frustrated by the supernatural power and toughness of this Indonesian Tiger
guerrilla, forcing them to look for his point of weakness.
Finally, due to the brilliancy of their intelligence agent, on February 25, 1947, at
Bonti/Padang Leangnge of Balocci District, Andi Mappe was besieged by two
platoons of Dutch troops and their indigenous allies. They attacked Andi Mappe’s
defensive shack for three days and nights with barrage of bullets that eventually
killed many Indonesian Tiger troops, including Andi Mappe.
Before exhaling his last breath, Andi Mappe encouraged his remaining troops by
saying, “Ulebbirangngi burue ala najajae Balandae, teasisena mitai Balandae.
Nasaba iya sikomemeng tommi naeloreng Puang Allah Ta’ala” (I would rather die
and be buried than being colonized by the Dutch. I would never be willing to see the
Dutch here. I have come to God’s will).

A Dutchman then cut off his neck. Said that it was his point of weakness. His head
should be beheaded and separated from his body. The Dutch troops then paraded
the head of Andi Mappe and showed it to residents in Maros, Pangkajene, Bungoro,
and Labakkang. Furthermore, the head was crossed over to an uninhabited island
near the coast of Maccini Baji, Labakkan.
From the coast of Maccini Baji, on the uninhabited island, which was still a mound of
white sand and overgrown with wild trees, were seen two tamarind trees growing
large and soaring. Under these tamarind trees, according to a tale-tell, the head of
Andi Mappe was buried. Meanwhile, his body was buried in the mainland of
The story of the power and courage of Andi Mappe then has become a passed-down
story in the community of Pangkajene Islands and South Sulawesi to date. His name
is now immortalized as the name of the stadium of Pangkajene Islands. Some of his
clothing and weapon relics in times of is struggle are now stored in the Museum
Karst Pangkep. Unfortunately, the twin tamarind trees had collapsed due to high
winds in 2008.
At the end of 2012, when the Regional Government of Pangkep chose the island
located in two archipelagic clusters starting with “sa” and “po” as a marine tourism
area equipped with various facilities, the name Camba-Cambang was then pinned.
The name Camba-Cambang is derived from the Makassarese language, which
means side by side tamarind trees, which can also be interpreted as a married
couple. This unnamed and uninhabited island has owned a name ever since. As a
reminder of its origins, some tamarind trees have been replanted around this small
island, bringing their own shades and beauty to Camba-Cambang.