Word: Ayu Arman

To the Beloved Nature Lovers and Earth Guardians,
It is with great pleasure and deep respect that I hereby present to you my long-awaited work: “Kaimana, the Undersea Biodiversity Heritage of West Papua, Indonesia”.
With every page, I strive to take you on an unparalleled journey into the underwater wonders of West Papua, Indonesia. From the alluring biodiversity to the stunning beauty of coral reefs, every word and image displayed on this page is my attempt to present this extraordinary natural beauty to you. As the song “Senja di Kaimana,” popularized by singer Alfian in the 1970s, has attested, the beauty of twilight in Kaimana is timeless. In fact, its beauty surpasses twilight; it is an empire where the sea gods reside and is part of the world’s center of marine biodiversity.
I cannot forget to express my deep gratitude to all those who have supported me in the process of making this book. From friends to family, from colleagues to environmental activists, their role and support have become a solid foundation for the realization of this work.
Soon, this book will be in your hands, taking you on a fascinating and inspiring adventure. I hope that through this work, we can all strengthen awareness of the importance of preserving marine biodiversity and respecting the natural heritage we have been given.
Thank you for your attention, support, and love for nature and the environment. We hope this book will inspire you to take action and protect the natural wonders we have been given.
Warm regards,
Ayu Arman