• Bagikan

Word: Ayu Arman

Anyone who has bathed in the Karawawi waterfall will long for the sensation of its water cleansing body and soul, like a longing to embrace the mother universe.

Enchanted is the right word to describe my feelings when witnessing the scenery of a 135-meter-high waterfall cascading from the North Kumawa Mountains on Nusa Ulan Island, Buruay. Here, we were amazed by the majestic sensation of the waterfall that refreshed the body and soul.

Waterfalls have a unique allure that transcends their physical beauty. They often evoke feelings of mystery and wonder that invite us to approach them, allowing our minds and emotions to flow with the roar of their water and then enabling us to reconnect with our inner selves.

Not only does the natural environment of waterfalls ignite our imagination, it also provides natural healing. Indigenous cultures worldwide have recognized the healing power of waterfalls and have integrated them into their traditional healing practices.

Science has also proven that standing in front of a waterfall can cleanse our energy field. Waterfalls release negative ions into their surrounding atmosphere. Negative ions consist of molecules that are tasteless, odorless, and even invisible. They are present in moving water.

As water droplets are released, smaller droplets interact with the air, and air molecules become negatively charged. Once they enter our bloodstream, they are believed to produce biochemical reactions, such as increasing serotonin levels, reducing depression, relieving stress, and boosting our daytime energy.

That was how we felt when we were under the Karawawi waterfall. It became a place to cleanse and refresh the energy of our bodies after having an exhausting sea journey for hours in the waters of Kaimana.

Karawawi, in the local language, means residence. The meaning of the name seems to depict the story of the ancestors of the local residents who inhabited Nusa Ulan Island, Buruay. They wanted to make Karawawi a home of freshness and joy for anyone who came.

When our speedboat docked at Karawawi Village, they immediately welcomed us and escorted us to the waterfall location, which was about 600 meters from the village’s coastline.

The access to the location of the waterfall was still natural. If not guided by the local community, we wouldn’t know the way since there were no signs leading to the waterfall location in the middle of the forest.

The path was a bit challenging as we had to walk across the river mouth, entered the forest, and went up and down small cliffs.

From a distance, the sound of the water was already roaring, driving our increasingly enthusiastic steps as we crossed the slippery cliffs on the edge of the wild river. After about half an hour of walking, we finally witnessed the magnificent natural art performance of the Karawawi waterfall.

It is in Karawawi that the thesis applies: the beauty of Kaimana is not limited to the sunset with its colorful light, soft white sandy beaches, and clear turquoise waters with coral reefs and various fish. The mountains and forests of Kaimana also offer something that makes us want to explore them. One of them is the North Kumawa Mountains nature reserve. Here, once again, we were amazed by the majestic sensation of the Karawawi waterfall that refreshed the soul.

So mesmerized, our group could only stare in awe and silence. How extraordinary its size, sound, and structure. The rushing water from a height of 135 meters cascaded down the cliffs and landed in a pool with roaring splashes, forming vapor like smoke rising into the air.

The sound of the water roared, deafening our ears. The louder we shouted, the more it seemed like the water volume increased. The flow was so strong that it was challenging to take close-up pictures. The camera lens was fogged by the waterfall’s spray.

From the top of the cliff, the water appeared white like smoke, and as it fell into the pool, it turned into a turquoise—blue-green color.

In many ancient cultures, it is believed that waterfalls are not just natural phenomena but also powerful gateways to connect with ancestral spirits, the guardians of nature, responsible for protecting wildlife and ecosystems around them.

I tried to approach the edge of the swirling water to greet and seek permission from the ancestral spirits by closing my eyes, letting the sound and energy of the waterfall sweep over my body’s energy field, while absorbing the powerful energy of the Karawawi waterfall. I asked the ancestral spirits to guide and communicate with us.

Our bodies felt refreshed. Our souls were happy. Especially when I submerged myself in the cold water, feeling purified in body and soul. Words cannot describe the experience of facing the Karawawi waterfall directly. Time seemed to stand still here. We were all swept away by the purity and freshness of the water, so much that we did not realize we had spent hours there.

Before we returned to the speedboat, a rainbow appeared and fell from above, crossing the river we had crossed, adding a magical and mysterious touch as we left this magnetic Karawawi waterfall.

If you want to witness the magnificent natural art performance of the Karawawi waterfall and experience its sensation, pack your bags for an adventure and witness the grandeur of nature firsthand. However, I recommend using a local guide (of indigenous community) who knows the way to the waterfall.

While vacationing in this place, always strive to maintain politeness, both in clothing and speech. Respect the environment and the surrounding culture by being a responsible tourist to preserve and protect nature for the present and future generations.

The key to exploring and diving into the Karawawi waterfall is a pure and open heart. With good intentions and a clear heart, you are guaranteed to encounter a beautiful journey experience that purifies and refreshes the energy of the soul and body.

To reach this waterfall, it takes about 3 hours from Kaimana City to Karawawi Village on Nusa Ulan Island, Buruay.

More details in the book Kaimana: The Heritage Of Marine Biodiversity In West Papua, Indonesia. https://nalapublishing.com/buku/kaimana-the-heritage-of-marine-biodiversity-in-west-papua-indonesia/